Furniture Cleaning – Effective Tips & Tricks

Cleaning furniture is a lot of work, but most people aren’t aware of it. It’s probably because they’re either not doing things correctly or not doing them at all. It’s very simple to keep dust off the counters and the floor clean when it comes to house cleaning. These are the easy parts of house cleaning, but the difficult part is ensuring that your furniture is clean as well. Most people avoid cleaning their furniture because they do not believe it is necessary. However, due to the sweat and moisture they absorb, dirty furniture can promote the growth of bacteria. It also goes without saying that if the furniture is not cleaned for an extended period, it can become smelly.

Here are effective tips and tricks for furniture cleaning:

Painted Furniture: It makes up a significant portion of what we keep in our homes. Wipe away any dust with a damp cloth regularly. Furthermore, avoid leaving any water spots behind, as they can dry to the paint and become a permanent mark.

Wood Furniture: Before deciding how to clean your piece of furniture, you should first determine the type of finish it has. You should polish your furniture regularly with a lint-free cloth. To achieve a beautiful shine, apply a small amount of furniture polish to a cloth and rub it over the surface.

Leather Furniture: Leather is a popular material because it is easy to clean. In most cases, you can clean your leather furniture by wiping it down with a damp cloth. Take special care not to use too much water, as this can quickly absorb and ruin the texture of the leather. It’s also critical to keep the piece away from areas with a lot of direct sunlight and heat.

Upholstered Furniture: Keep upholstered furniture away from direct sunlight because most fabrics fade. Weekly surface cleaning is recommended. Flip cushions and pillows regularly to ensure that both sides wear evenly. When it comes to cleaning, start by wiping up any spills or spots as soon as you notice them.

Wicker and Cane Furniture: Wicker, cane, and rush furniture’s natural fibers tend to dry out, so keep these pieces out of the sun and away from heat sources. Vacuum frequently to keep dust out of the cracks in the finishes.

Helpsters is the most reliable and efficient sofa cleaning company in Dubai. We have provided modern and up-to-date equipment to our staff to achieve the best results. If you’re looking for furniture cleaning services in Dubai, give us a call.

3 Most Common Carpet Stains In Office & How To Remove Them

Carpet provides cozy softness and added warmth underfoot, but it can also make your floors stain-prone. Even without children or pets, the occasional spill or smudge can quickly seep into the fibers and become a stain. Cleaning carpet stains may appear daunting, but with the right technique and cleaning solutions, even the most stubborn stains can be easily removed. The process for removing carpet stains is generally the same regardless of the type of spill.

Most of us will begin our workday in the office with a fresh cup of coffee as we treat our office workspace as our second home. Cleaning the carpets can be difficult, while employees can wipe or mop their own messes, there are times when office carpets will become severely stained.

Here are the three most common carpet stains in the office, as well as how to remove them:

1. Ink Stains: Pen ink stains cause significant carpet staining. Those of us who have had a single leak in our shirt pocket know that it is only the beginning of a major smear that is nearly impossible to remove. Here’s your first step in dealing with ink stains:

-Using a dry cloth, blot the spilled ink spot. To avoid spreading the ink, do not rub.

-Dip a clean, dry cloth into a solution of dishwashing liquid.

2. Remove mud from the carpet: Mud is one of the few things that should be allowed to dry before attempting to clean it. It is simple to vacuum up mud after it has dried. Here are the steps to remove the mud stain

-Allow the mud to dry.

-Vacuum the area slowly to remove any loose dirt and debris. Vacuum in all directions to ensure that you have picked up everything.

-1 teaspoon mild dishwashing detergent to 1 cup lukewarm water. Depending on the size of the stain, double this amount.

-Blot the solution into the carpet with a white cloth, switching towels as needed, until the stain is gone.

-Blot the area dry with a clean cloth or paper towels.

3. Food and Coffee stains: When we take a break with our colleagues at work, we usually drink a cup of coffee, which frequently spills, or we eat lunch, which may also spill. Here are steps on how to deal with the food stain or coffee stains :

-Using a spoon, pick up any traces of food solids and avoid rubbing them on the carpet.

-1 cup lukewarm water and 1 cup vinegar, dampened a clean white cloth

-Using the palm of your hand, blot the area dry.

-Repeat the blotting technique, but this time use a fresh, clean cloth.

Helpsters is the most reliable and efficient carpet dry cleaning company in Dubai. We have provided modern and up-to-date equipment to our staff in order to achieve the best results. If you’re looking for floor scrubbing in Dubai, give us a call.

Seven Tips to Keep Your Home Virus Free

The pandemic has taken over the globe, raising awareness of the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene. While the outbreak has caused people to be fearful, it has also provided us with the opportunity to learn how keeping a clean house can help to prevent the spread of diseases. Most of us despise the idea of cleaning our homes. However, it is critical to keep our living spaces clean and sanitary, especially given the growing concerns about safety and cleanliness during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because coronavirus is not a common virus, you must take advanced precautions to keep your family safe inside your home.

Living in a confined space with family members for an extended period can increase the risk of infection. According to researchers, because viruses and bacteria can live on surfaces in your home for a few days, regular cleaning is no longer just a chore to keep the space livable but is critical for your family’s health and well-being. The COVID-19 pandemic is showing no signs of abating, and we must find ways to protect ourselves and stay safe. It is prudent to respect these infections and take all necessary precautions to avoid becoming the virus’s next victim. The first step in protecting your family is to stay at home and practice good hygiene in your surroundings.

Here are seven tips for keeping your home virus-free :

Disinfect the common surfaces

Common surfaces are high-touched surfaces that harbor the majority of germs and viruses. As a result, it is critical to clean and sanitize common surfaces to prevent transmission. To remove germs from high-touch surfaces, use vinegar, bleach, or a commercial disinfectant. 

Cleaning process

Regardless of whether you try to clean your entire house all at once, clean regularly. Cleaning your home every day is an easy way to keep it germ-free. Rather than reacting to mold, dust, and other germs, you can prevent bacteria from forming in the first place.

Wash Your Bedding

Wash all of your bedsheets, towels, and other bedding items in hot water regularly. Dust mites breed specifically in these items, and you are likely to come into contact with harmful particles regularly.

Clean Curtains and Ceiling Fans

Although many people overlook it, it is critical to vacuum, wash, and dust your drapes and curtains, as well as your ceiling fans. Both areas can accumulate a lot of dust and germs that are difficult to see. As a result, make sure to keep them clean and virus free

Protect yourself from service personnel 

Plumbers, electricians, etc any service personnel who enter your home may bring germs from previous customers with them. While most reputable service companies have protocols in place to ensure your safety as well as the safety of their employees, you must remain vigilant. Also, make sure to wipe down any surfaces they may have touched while working.

Clean your personal belongings

Germs and viruses love to hide in your cell phone, lipstick, credit cards, and anything else you handle several times a day. Wipe them down daily or after anyone else has touched them. Your cell phone is most likely one of the worst sources of germs, so it must be disinfected daily.

Wash your hands and also always remove shoes at the door

Make it a house rule that everyone washes their hands immediately upon entering your home, no matter how long you have been gone or how careful they have been. To avoid using dirty hand towels, keep a roll of paper towels near the sink. At the door, remove your shoes. Consider all of the dirt and germs that accumulate on your shoes, and you will never want to wear them around your house again.

Cleaning is very important because of the current pandemic. There are numerous sterilization companies in Dubai, but Helpsters is the best. They also offer the best house cleaning services in Dubai to keep your home virus-free. You can get a free quote for the service you need by visiting their website.

Why You Really, Really Need a Professional Deep Cleaning Service in Dubai?

Why You Really, Really Need a Professional Deep Cleaning Service in Dubai?

Deep cleaning is very important but it also requires time and energy. When you have commercial space or any other space, it is necessary to hire a cleaning company for cleaning purposes. As they are professional cleaners and have exceptional skills in cleaning. Cleaning is not something that you can do once a year, it has to be done regularly. Deep cleaning involves cleaning around the corner, moving things out of the way to clean behind or under it. If you are staying in Dubai, cleaning your house will be very difficult because of the busy work life, so professional cleaners can help you with it.

Here are some points that you need to know why you need a professional deep cleaning service in Dubai: 

  • It saves time:  Most people are working and they do not have enough time for cleaning chores. Hiring professionals will deep clean your space and relieve you from doing it. Thus, keeping you stress-free. This will also help you to spend more time with family and friends rather than spending it on cleaning. You can spend your valuable time on other productive works without worries.

  • Saves money on cleaning products: You can save money on cleaning products as most cleaning companies in Dubai carry their cleaning products and equipment. As cleaning companies in Dubai offer low-cost professional deep cleaning service. So this will help you to stop spending money on cleaning.

  • Trained professionals and Experts: We know the basics for keeping our space clean, but the professional cleaning services in Dubai know the important places where the dirt and germs hide. Cleaning is very important but when you hire an expert, they are trained for the work and have the skills.

  • Experience values: Cleaning services in Dubai send those cleaners who are experts in their work. Every space has its way of cleaning. If we compare the local cleaners, professional cleaners know which supplies are better for which kind of place. Hiring a professional deep cleaning service is an advantage because they will clean the specific areas with the right equipment and products.

  • Hygiene Conditions: When you hire a local cleaner, they will not follow proper hygiene as they do not have the equipment, chemicals, and many other tools. So hiring a professional deep cleaning service will make you feel safe about hygiene conditions with cleaning experts. As they will deliver high standard cleaning services.

Finding the right deep cleaning company in Dubai that can address your cleaning preferences is not that difficult. With Helpsters, you can be sure that you will get the best service tailored to your cleaning needs. We offer the most reliable deep cleaning services in Dubai .You can visit their website for getting a free quote for your service that you require.

7 Tips to Deep Clean Your Mattress & Sofa

7 Tips to Deep Clean Your Mattress & Sofa

Are you a person who loves to read sitting on a couch or taking a nap in bed after a long day of work? 

Deep cleaning plays a significant role because we need to keep our surroundings fresh and hygienic where we spend most of our time. Deep cleaning might sound like a difficult task but it helps to get rid of unwanted germs and toxins. It will also help in reducing allergens and remove odors from the surface. Apart from protecting health, it will also help you breathe cleaner air.

Here are 7 Tips to Deep Clean Your Mattress & Sofa:

#Tip 1: Vacuum Regularly 

It is one of the quickest ways to perform mattress and sofa cleaning. Make sure that you use the upholstery attachment with your vacuum to deep clean the surface areas without damaging the mattress, pillow, sofa covers, etc. If you do not vacuum it properly, there will be a lot of dirt and debris left on the mattress and sofa. Vacuum cleaning is good for the sofa to clean dust particles, pet hairs, and food crumbs so that it is clean to sit. 

#Tip 2: Remove the stains 

Baking soda naturally absorbs the odors and also deep cleans the stains. It is one of the excellent choices to rub onto mattress and sofa stains or dark spots. While removing the stains, don’t use chemicals or get it too wet as this can damage the material of the sofa and mattress. Another way to clean the stain is by using the laundry detergent or soap and mixing it with lukewarm water then gently dab it onto the stain with a cloth or sponge until it fades.

#Tip 3:Practice smart habits 

Try to practice good habits that will prevent your mattress and sofa. You can use a protector sheet that will keep the surface safe from dust, dirt, and spills. Try to buy machine washable material covers so that it is easy to clean. Have a bath or clean yourself before you hop on to bed. If you are not clean, sweat can accumulate and make your surface material dirty and unhealthy. Never eat or drink on the bed, keep it cleaner.

#Tip 4: Don’t forget to clean the corners  

Always clean the bed frame, headboard, sofa handle, etc on regular basis. Most of the dust and dirt accumulate on these corners which can get into the air as you sleep. This will not let you sleep or you will get itching when you sit on the sofa. Make sure that you wipe out every corner to avoid dust, dirt, and other particles on it.

#Tip 5: Air it Out

Ensure that you air it out after cleaning it with liquid. This will help to keep it clean and dry before you put on the clean covers on the mattress and sofa. If you feel that the mattress or sofa is very hot, open your windows and let some fresh air in. This will allow it to dry fast and you will not even have to move outside to give it air. Another way to dry it of is by opening the curtains and letting the sunlight, this will also kill any excess bacteria due to the UV rays from the sun. 

#Tip 6: Change the covers 

Whether you are deep cleaning it or not, change the covers at regular intervals. This will keep your mattress and sofa free from germs and bacteria. It will also give you a refreshing and good smell when you are around it. Regularly changing the covers will keep the space neat and clean.

#Tip 7: Steam clean for the deepest clean

Steam cleaning uses heat to penetrate and sanitize the surface. It will kill all the dust mites on the surface. You can give a burst of steam from your iron if you do not have a steamer. Also, steam cleaning requires less water which dries the surface quickly.

Helpsters is the most reliable and efficient cleaning company in Dubai. They are a professional provider of premium-quality mattress cleaning company Dubai. For best results, we have given our staff the modern and up to date equipment and they are professional cleaning technicians. Give us a call if you are looking for a sofa cleaning company in Dubai.

5 Cleaning Mistakes That Hold You Back from Creating a Healthy Home

Cleaning copany in dubai

Are you doing everything it takes to maintain a clean and healthy home – however, yet you find yourself struggling and with an unclean space?

Well, it might be thanks to some cleaning mistakes – which might not allow your home to be tidy. Dubai cleaning services are available in plenty, but there are certain mistakes you must avoid – or they will only turn your home unhealthy and dirtier, if at all.

  • Dusting using the same cloth: Do not dust the entire house using the same cloth – it is bound to be dirty, and will ensure none of the sections are properly cleaned. It also means that the dirt and germs from one room get transferred to another and so on.
  • Use of too many products: More often than not, we want the house clean to such a large extent that we tend to pick up different types of products to clean the house. What we don’t realize is that these products need to gel with the other products, and in the process, we might be causing harm to our houses.
  • Skipping the sink: Never ever skip cleaning the sink in the kitchen – it’s the one place for germs to make their house. Even when there aren’t any utensils, clean the sink since food particles tend to be stuck in the sink.
  • Usage of wrong cleaning products: When you don’t know, it’s best to hire home cleaning services in Dubai – wrong usage of products tends to damage your home environment more than anything. Read up, understand, and use products as per their needs and usage.
  • Too much, too quick: Don’t try to clean up everything quickly. When you spray something on a surface, don’t wipe it off immediately. For example, sofa cleaning takes time, so it’s best to hire a sofa cleaning company in Dubai if you don’t have time but want clean upholstery.

Check out Helpsters, a home cleaning services in Dubai, they are impeccable with their work and help you with a clean home or office in no time. Contact them today!

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