Hidden Germ Hot-spots in Commercial Offices

Your workplace may look sparkly and clean but you never know what germs are hiding everywhere. While office cleaning mostly happens at the surface, there are many germ hot-spots that are left unattended in plain sight.

Office Sanitisation in Dubai

It is crucial that an office is regularly cleaned and sanitized to ensure a healthy workforce and also impress clients and visitors.

If you want to keep your team productive and minimize disruption due to contagious illnesses, tackling germ hotspots in your commercial office is an important step.

But where do germs lurk in the workplace? Your first thought may be the bathroom and kitchen, but there are many other “secret locations” where bacteria collect. It’s these lesser known hot-spots which are especially dangerous and you should be paying more attention to…

  1. Telephones

When the phone rings, we grab it without hesitation. After we’ve answered the phone, we seldom think about washing out hands either. This means that any bacteria existing on the phone can easily reach our mouths, eyes and noses. As hands are a major carrier of bacteria in everyday life, this can easily spread illness.

  1. Door handles

Just like office phones, door handles get – well, handled! – very frequently. We also rarely consider using a hand sanitiser or washing our mitts after opening or closing a door. Door handles can be paradise for germs and other nasties.

  1. Printers, scanners & photocopiers

You won’t be surprised to know that the third germ hot-spot on our list is another item we touch regularly but clean infrequently. Shared office technology is a haven for germs and bacteria. Just think of all the different fingers which press those buttons every single day.

  1. Keyboards

We use keyboards every day, but seldom do they get cleaned. Naturally, they are breeding grounds for germs, food crumbs, and other gross substances.

At Helpsters, we use environmentally safe, eco-friendly cleaning products that are free from harmful odors and toxins. We offer a great range of office sanitisation in Dubai. To learn more about commercial sanitizing services in Dubai contact us online or give us a call at 800 HELPS(43577).

Difference between Carpet Dry Cleaning and Steam Cleaning

Been thinking about getting your carpets cleaned, but completely confused about whether steam cleaning or dry cleaning is better for your carpet?

Professional Cleaning Services Dubai
Cleaning Services in Dubai

Put simply, both methods can achieve great results and the main difference is the amount of water used in the process. The quality of the clean ultimately depends mostly on the technician, the chemicals and the equipment.

Dry Cleaning—

Dry cleaning carpets is exactly what it sounds like – using no moisture to clean the carpet. Instead, professional cleaners use chemicals that they sprinkle onto the carpet that breaks down stains.

One of the advantages of having your carpet dry cleaning is that the drying time is immediate. There’s little to no waiting for your carpet to dry and you can likely move your furniture or walk on the carpet immediately after it’s been cleaned.

Dry cleaning is great if your carpets are lightly stained and don’t accumulate much traffic.

A disadvantage would be that dry cleaning does not do so well with heavier or stubborn stains. Most of the time dry cleaning works on a surface level, and cannot penetrate deep into your carpet to lift tougher stains.

Steam cleaning—

Having your carpet steam cleaned means using hot water, steam, and chemicals to clean your carpets. Contrary to popular belief, the steam itself cannot get carpets clean but must be combined with detergent to help break down deeply rooted stains.

However, this can be done safely and effectively! Most professional cleaners use a steam cleaner with the detergent first and then use steam to get it your carpet clean. There are plenty of detergents available that are environmentally friendly.

If your carpet has heavy staining, or you have pets and other people living in your home, consider getting your carpet steam cleaned. This method reaches deep into your carpet to pull out allergens, dirt, and anything else that might be lurking.

One of the disadvantages of steam cleaning is the wait time for drying, as it can take several hours for the carpet to completely dry.

Want to get your carpet clean and looking for cleaning services in Dubai? Helpsters is the city’s trusted cleaning service. They are widely renowned for their customer friendly service and their variety of services to choose from for carpet dry Cleaning in Dubai.

Tips to sanitize your home during COVID 19

Everyone is busy cleaning their houses in quarantine, but not many people know that cleaning is different from sanitizing the house. While moping and sweeping remove the dust, sanitizing the house kills the germs.

Disinfection and Sanitization Services Dubai
Office Sanitation Services Dubai

Here are four tips for keeping your home clean and family healthy during COVID-19:

  1. Clean and disinfect hard surfaces:

It is recommended that people routinely clean high-touch surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, sports equipment and toys.

When cleaning, be sure to wear disposable gloves and use soap and water to preclean if an area or item is visibly dirty. Then, you can use a household disinfectant to kill germs on surfaces.

  1. Keep electronics clean: 

When thinking of frequently touched objects, don’t forget your household electronics. Tablets, touch screens, smartphones, keyboards and remote control devices should be cleaned using a wipe-able cover.

  1. Don’t forget soft surfaces: 

Experts aren’t sure whether the virus that causes COVID-19 can live on your clothing or bedsheets for any length of time. However, it’s still recommended that you launder sheets, pillows, clothing and plush toys regularly – especially if someone in your home is sick.

  1. Practice hand hygiene when handling food and food containers:

It’s unlikely that the coronavirus survives for very long on food products and packaging. But to help keep your family healthy when grocery shopping, ordering takeout or preparing food, actively wash your hands with soap and water and sanitize whenever necessary. 

Residential Sanitizing Service Dubai
Sterilization Companies in Dubai

Take extra precautions if someone in your home becomes ill. Keep your house clean, practice social distancing and other hygiene precautions to protect your family from Coronavirus!Helpsters is an excellent cleaning service provider that offers home cleaning in Dubai. It is recommended that every once in a while you get your home deeply sanitized from professional home sanitization services in Dubai.

What are the Difference between Deep Cleaning and Regular Cleaning?

When you hire professional house cleaners for a “regular cleaning,” this is going to include the things you would do on a weekly basis. A regular clean is designed to help maintain a certain level of cleanliness around your house.

Professional Cleaning Services Dubai
Deep Cleaning Companies in Dubai

When you invest in a regular clean involves some of the following things:

• Vacuuming and mopping your floors

• Tidying up the house

• Cleaning the bathrooms – toilet, bath, mirror, sink, etc.

• Cleaning the kitchen – wiping surfaces, outside of appliances, taking out trash, etc.

These cleaning tasks typically don’t take that long to complete; however, they are essential to help keep your home free from dust, dirt and other debris.

Deep cleaning is something you are likely going to need to invest in when you first hire a cleaning service. While deep cleaning is more expensive than regular cleaning, it also only needs to be done every six months, or so.

A deep cleaning service will remove the deep dirt and grime in your home. It will cover the areas that aren’t typically covered in a regular cleaning service.

Some of the services provided when you hire a home cleaning service for a deep clean include:

• Remove scale and soap scum from shower heads, taps, kitchen tiles, bathroom tiles, etc.

• Clean behind appliances such as the oven, washing machine and cut through the grime that often builds up

• Deep and complete dusting including the baseboards and doors in all rooms

• Washing the home’s interior windows

• Cleaning patio doors and window frames

• Cleaning the interior of the oven and glass door

A deep cleaning service in Dubai is much more thorough than a regular cleaning service. This is the main reason that you pay more when you hire the professionals. It also takes longer to complete.

deep cleaning services dubai
Deep Cleaning Dubai

What Type of Cleaning Do You Need?

When you are ready to hire a home cleaning service, you may wonder what type of cleaning you need to begin with. In most cases, when you are starting out, scheduling a deep clean is a smart move.

If you don’t know where to start, we can help you figure it out! Helpsters is deep cleaning company in Dubai that provides residential and commercial cleaning services in UAE.

How to remove stains from your fabric sofa naturally?

Who doesn’t like to crash on the couch after a long day of work? Your cozy couch is the perfect way to unwind after hours. Although nobody likes to lounge on a dirty sofa. You may not realize but over time, crumbs, spilled drinks, pet hair, dirt, and oil from your hands and feet build up on your couch and make it look dingy.

Are you also curled up on the sofa, eating and working your way through the day?
Well, do you know the germs and bacteria settling on your upholstery?
We help you restore the beauty and freshness of all your upholstered fabrics, leaving you with a clean and safe Sofa!
Get moving so we can get cleaning! Get in touch with us to know more.
Deep Cleaning Services in Dubai

We spend a lot of time on our sofas, so they’re bound to get dirty and stained every now and then. Don’t allow tough stains and messy spills cramp your style; learn how to clean your couch stains. Giving your couch a deep clean will help remove the grime and build up that you’d rather not think about. If you have a natural-fabric couch, here’s how to make your sofa look like new again.

The first and most important step is to look for the manufacturer’s instructions and suggestions for cleaning the couch. Couches mostly come with a cleaning tag; check the tag for the cleaning codes.

This is how you can naturally remove stains from your fabric couch:

Here’s what you need— washing-up liquid, white vinegar, baking soda, and warm water.

  • Start with prepping your couch by brushing it with a clean white hand towel or a stiff brush. This will loosen anything that has dried onto the couch.
  • Take a teaspoon of washing-up liquid, white vinegar, baking soda and warm water and mix together into a lather (the mixture should froth up as the baking soda and vinegar react with one another).
  • Then, apply directly to any stains or smudges that you can spot on your fabric sofa. Leave to dry out for around 10 minutes.
  • When it’s dry, wipe the surface with a clean cloth to lift away any residue. 
  • Let the fabric dry and you should be left with a beautiful stain-free sofa. You’re welcome!

Having trouble cleaning your good old sofa? Helpsters Cleaning Services is just a call away! Helpsters is a reliable sofa cleaning company in Dubai

If you are looking for the best sofa cleaning service in Dubai, contact us and we ensure you to give you a highly customer centric service that would make your binge watching TV nights even more enjoyable.

How often should I clean commercial kitchen appliances and equipment?

Commercial Kitchens call for very busy day-to-day functioning and an extensive use of appliances. Keeping the kitchen spotless with the multitude of everyday activities can be prove to be a very difficult task. 

It is a given that the standards for food hygiene in a commercial kitchen are understandably — very high and, as a result, there are lots of things you need to do before, during, and after every shift to comply with the various rules and regulations.

Kitchen Cleaning Companies in Dubai
 Professional Cleaning Services Dubai

There are no excuses when it comes to maintaining a sanitary kitchen environment, especially with the onset of the novel Covid-19 pandemic. Unsanitary kitchens are at risk for being shut down and heavily fined by the health inspectors of The Dubai Municipality.  

Commercial kitchen appliances should be sanitized and cleaned regularly. One of the most important way to keep a commercial kitchen clean is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for each equipment for cleaning, keeping a track of what aspects of the maintenance should be left to professionals and knowing their warranties. 

A commercial kitchen cleaning requires a checklist that should be followed consistently — before every shift, during each shift, after each shift, weekly, monthly, quarterly and even yearly. 

The frequency of cleaning varies from one equipment to other, different cleaning procedures are required for different parts of your kitchen. Typically, appliances that are most frequently used and that come in direct contact with food should be cleaned most often. 

All kitchen equipment and appliances should be wiped down every day, both inside and outside. It is highly recommended to check and get all equipment inspected on a monthly basis. Hiring a cleaning company will take the weight off your shoulders as they will also be able to assess appliance damage & defects.

Despite there being many kitchen cleaning companies in Dubai, there are few that are highly customer centric and provide proactive cleaning services. Helpsters Cleaning Services LLC, located in Dubai is the best cleaning company in Dubai

Helpsters is a Dubai Municipality approved disinfection & sanitization service that provides the deep clean your commercial kitchen needs to stay safe and within legal parameters; and can protect your premises for up to 10-14 days.

Advantage of Deep Cleaning Your Mattress

Did you know that cleaning your mattresses can have a bigger number of advantages than you are aware of? Much the same as you clean your floor covering and upholstery, mattress deep cleaning is similarly significant. Since the mattress is generally covered, we tend to overlook what’s actually piling up inside the mattress. While your bedding may look plushy and comfortable, secured with a perfect arrangement of bed sheets that is changed routinely, this isn’t adequate to keep our bedding clean for resting. Here are a few advantages of undertaking mattress cleaning services:

Just like helpsters, dust mites love a warm and cosy bed. And for this, we have a team of trained and professional staff who can render effective assistance.
We help you get rid of the bacteria, odour and soiling, ensuring a hygienic and safe mattress.
Simply send us a message on 0585488500 and we’ll be there!

Top cleaning companies in dubai
  • Clean Air: We spend a normal of 8 hours every day on the bed resting, which compares to 1/3 of our lifetime, so it is critical to keep up great indoor air quality in the room. At whatever point we turn on the bed while we are dozing, fine residue particles in the bedding are cried out into the air which we at that point we tend to breathe in.
  • Improved Sleep: A perfect bedding improves the nature of sleep. A spotless and sterile bed is ascribed to a superior quality of sleep. Individuals rest better when they realize they are taking their sleep in a spotless bed. It can give the significant serenity that is required for an agreeable rest.
  • Get rid of allergens: You viably dispose of allergens when you undertake mattress cleaning services. Regular allergens are dust bugs, dust and creature dander which would all be able to be discovered somewhere down in your mattress. From multiple points of view, dust mites are unavoidable. However, they must be controlled so they don’t affect your family and since beddings are one of their #1 sanctuaries, scale back that alternative by keeping it clean.
  • Increases the life of your mattress: With regular deep cleaning services, you need not change your mattress very soon. Keep them clean and safe, and they will last you longer.

If you need any further assistance, check out Helpsters, they are a leading house maid services in Dubai, who also offer nursery cleaning services and office sanitation services in Dubai. They are one of the best cleaning company in dubai, and will help you deep clean your mattress effortlessly.

Effective Techniques for Removing toughest stains from your floor

Cleaning the floor is quite a task; however luckily, a few kinds of flooring make the activity significantly less of an errand. Specifically, ceramic tile is particularly well known on the grounds that it’s very low maintenance and simple to clean. By and large, you can clean the tile with a mellow cleaning arrangement weakened with warm water. Notwithstanding, now and again life gives us challenges — including intense stains that won’t come out, regardless of how hard you scour. Here are some effective techniques to eliminate hard stains on tile flooring.

Cleanliness and hygiene in a hotel, as well as a hotel apartment, is of the utmost importance when running a hospitality business. Our hotel cleaning services are designed to provide your guests with a clean and safe environment while saving you time and money.

We craft customized cleaning plans, based on your needs, goals, and expectations, causing no disruption to your guests.

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Hospitality Cleaning Services
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an amazing cleaning substance, in any event, when weakened, so just utilize little spots of the answer for clean away the stain. It is marginally destructive, so wash the surface completely with faucet water when the stain has vanished.
  • With regards to effective obstinate soil or ink stains, you can undoubtedly depend on white vinegar. White vinegar can assist eliminate with night the most noticeably awful stains due to its acidic nature which is sufficiently able to extricate up a coarseness or earth while as yet keeping your hardwood floors spare from erosion. Consolidate this with water to get the ideal cleaning home solution for your recolored hardwood floors. Follow the means and effectively eliminate those difficult dark imprints. However, it’s best to consult one of the top cleaning companies in Dubai if you don’t want further damages.
  • Sanding and fixing appears to be something which a floor cleaning company in Dubai will do to fix hardwood floors. Now and then the stains are scratched on the floors by sharp items and particularly with the mileage there isn’t a lot of you can do with synthetic compounds that will fix this sort of recoloring. Sanding and fixing can fix an affected zone and make it like new. However, ensure that your hardwood isn’t made of engineered wood which cannot sustain the sanding procedure.

If you need any further assistance for floor cleaning in Dubai, check out Helpsters, one of the top cleaning companies in Dubai. They also have office sanitation services and house maid services in Dubai.

Cleaning Tips & Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Working Moms

Being a mother who works isn’t simple, and finding a cleaning plan as a working mother has been so difficult. You possess to adjust energy for work, family, concocting, and staying aware of the home on head of that. Adjusting between endless obligations and errands is never simple when you are a working mother. Here are a few cleaning tips and a simple cleaning plan for working mothers.

Hygiene is important and desirable because it protects us and others against infection and promotes health.

At Helpsters, we take cleanliness very seriously, and come fully prepared to help you get rid of all germs and bacteria.

The main thing that you have to do is be practical. While it is ideal to imagine that your windows will all be washed each week, the probability of that really happening is essentially non-existent. Make sense of what is generally imperative to you. Is it that there are perfect sheets on the bed each week? Perhaps having messy floors simply does your head in? Is having a shimmering restroom something that presents to you a ton of fulfillment?

Make sense of what is generally imperative to you. What’s critical to me, may not be essential to you! We all have various homes, diverse weighty traffic regions, various youngsters, unendingly. Time is valuable so why spend it cleaning wrecks that could have been forestalled in any case? Basic house rules and limits can help keep your home spotless!

Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming floors, preparing the menu, washing the sheets (combined with daily laundry), cleaning out the fridge, cleaning bathrooms, dusting surfaces – these are a few errands that you don’t have to do each day yet should attempt to add them to your cleaning plan week after week as you have time. Undertake these on the weekends when you have additional time. These are errands that can as a rule take somewhat more, so it’s best to do them on your day off.

If you remain consistent with your cleaning process, you won’t be dumped with a huge load. Or if you feel you cannot manage, there are various house cleaning services Dubai, who can help you keep your home spic and span. Check out Helpsters, a cleaning company in Dubai – they have house maid services, sanitation and disinfection services and more.

Importance of cleanliness in retail stores

To guarantee the general client experience is sure and noteworthy for your store guests, it is fundamental to keep up a spotless, clean and expert space. A positive client experience will be affected by the general retail condition and directly affects the buying conduct of customer base. For example, a spotless retail space will draw in and connect with your market and possibly improve the probability of client buys, return visits and client proposals.

A thorough deep clean leads to a healthier environment for your employees and customers. 
Deep Cleaning enables the cleaning of areas that might be difficult to reach or require a more heavy-duty cleaning as compared to your everyday cleaning. Book now the services from helpsters, one of the best cleaning services in Dubai.

In the event that you are a generally new business, you have to create a client base. To do that you showcase your business broadly, however you likewise need to establish a decent connection coming up. A spotless store with an excellent appearance will prompt more prominent deals exclusively dependent on an incredible early introduction. At the point when clients enter a tousled, gross and sloppy store, their early introduction compares to, “I’m not going to spend my cash here!” This is again part of giving a positive client experience, and today is substantially more significant than it was years back.

Quality cleaning of the floors is fundamental. Not exclusively will grimy floors debilitate clients from investing energy in your store however may likewise cause a danger. Regardless of the ground surface, whether you have tiles, rug or vinyl the neatness of your deck will exhibit to your clients how you esteem your items and clients.

Cleaner stores mean better benefits. The more somebody spends perusing through a store, the almost certain that individual will make a buy. The initial introduction has been made. The choice to keep glancing through the store has happened. Presently the client will be presented to more items. As individuals see more items, they will undoubtedly discover more that establish a connection with them. Little individuals realize that the intensity of retail cleaning can influence their whole shopping experience.

To know about the best retail cleaning services Dubai, check out Helpsters – they are reliable, trustworthy and offer best cleaning services.

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